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Look Up Your Sample Ballot

Click the button below to look up your sample ballot using this voter lookup tool provided by the NC State Board of Elections.

If you have any trouble, there are detailed instructions below. If your sample ballot is not yet available, check back closer to Election Day.

What is my Sample Ballot?

The NC State Board of Elections provides a digital sample of what your ballot will look like when you vote, including the order, offices, issues, and candidates that will be on your ballot. This digital sample can be helpful to prepare you to vote; for example, you can use this sample to research candidates or issues.

Looking for more information on candidates? See our non-partisan voter guides here. 

How to Look Up Your Sample Ballot

You can look up your sample ballot through a three-step process on the State Board of Elections voter lookup tool.

We provide instructions on how to complete this process below.

  1. Enter your first and last names as they appear on your voter registration record. Don’t enter a middle name. It’s not necessary to enter your birth date or county unless you have a very common name. Click “Search.”
A screenshot of the "Search Criteria" form. I contains the following fields: First Name (required), Middle Initial, Last Name (required), Year of Birth, County, Voter Status (required) with two choices: "Registered" or "Removed or Denied". Lastly, two buttons labeled Search and Reset.
  1. Click on your name from the list of similar names to see a profile of your registration, the jurisdictions you live in, and a link to your Sample Ballot.
Screenshot of Search Results that states the following: "Click a voter's name to view that voter's information". Below are the search results showing four records in a table format with three columns. The columns are County, Status, Full Name and City/State/Zip.
  1. Below the heading, “Sample Ballot,” click on the letter/number to the right of the current Election date on the page with your registration profile.  This will bring up a new page with your sample ballot.
Results listing your sample ballot formatted as a table with two results. Column 1 is titled Election and contains two rows "11/08/2022 General" and "05/17/2022 Primary". Column 2 is titled Your Sample Ballot(s) and contains two rows: "Ballots not assigned yet." and an alphanumeric link.

About new district lines

The boundary lines of many N.C. State House, N.C. State Senate, and U.S. Congressional districts were recently redrawn as a result of the 2020 Census. Some precincts were divided differently than in past years so you may receive a different ballot than your neighbors.

You can view all of your voting districts (for local, state, and national offices) in the voter lookup tool explained above.  See the image below for where to find them under the heading “Your Jurisdictions.”

Screenshot of Your Jurisdictions details.
Screenshot listing your jurisdiction details. It contains information pertaining to: precinct, congress, NC senate, NC house, superior court, judicial, prosecutorial, county commissioner, municipality, ward and school.

What's Next?

You can look up your Election Day voting location (precinct) using the voter lookup tool provided by the NC State Board of Elections.